“A Thing” is the first project in a series of three throughout the semester. The goal is to use techniques discovered in the first two experimental projects to develop a final building. The studio explores what classifies architecture as interesting through the fast and slow effects produced. We were tasked to design “a thing” (an object) that created immediate and latent effects through form, graphics, and color.
FALL 2019
Working with primitive shapes of rectangular bars and cones, I became fascinated with the figures created when a bending bar wrapped a cone. Through manipulating these simple shapes together, the form creates a complex object. The cones became the interior space and the bars the exterior. Through masking the cone shapes that hid on the interior, the object creates immediate effects when comparing the interior and exterior forms.
Color is a crucial component in the design of the latent effect. I played with how color can mask the overall form, using color on the bending bars geometry to disguise its true edges. Various gradients along with solid colors were applied to the surface. The effect creates a seemingly new object in each elevation, only understanding the object as a whole when viewed in the three-dimension. As seen in section, the cones on the interior create tension between the exterior skin and sometimes push out to the exterior creating apertures to the inside.